Chihuahua Puppy Care

General Puppy Care:



Before you bring your puppy home, you should have the following:  An exercise pen or crate(prefer the Iris puppy pen) to confine your puppy, wee-wee pads (cloth until they can be trusted with disposables) or litter box (use canine litter), a harness and leash, stainless steel/ceramic food and water bowls (water bottle) food recommended by breeder) plenty of canine safe toys and chews, a couple of beds and blankets, Nutri-cal (very important to have in case of low sugar issues) a good book on Chihuahua care and training, the contact information on a good vet and remember to puppy proof your home ( no exposed electrical cords, cleaning supplies (natural products are the best) and remove any poisonous plants, etc.)




Small puppies eliminate frequently and with little or no warning.  They are like babies and can't hold it!  Constant supervision is key.  Never let a puppy have free run of your home if you are not supervising every move, every minute.

The more accidents your puppy makes when you are not watching, the more ingrained this bad habit becomes, and the harder it will be to house train your puppy.  Prevention, supervision, and rewarding the desired behavior are the way to train your puppy.

A puppy will need to eliminate after each meal, after play periods, and after waking from a nap.  Small puppies may need to urinate as often as every 15 minutes.  Sniffing the ground and circling can be signs that it is time to take your puppy outside, or to his wee-wee pad area, whichever method you have decided on.  If you catch your puppy starting to squat, bring him to the correct spot!  Never punish a puppy for an accident you find after the fact- he will not remember doing it, and will not understand why you are angry, Besides, the accident will be your fault for not having supervised him well enough.

When you cannot watch  your puppy, you can keep him in an exercise pen with a bed and food at one end and potty pad, litterbox at the other end (best putting the potty area close to where he would exit his pen).  The puppy will naturally not want to soil his sleeping/eating area and will walk away towards the appropriate spot to eliminate.  It may to be helpful to place a small piece of soiled pad in the spot where you want your puppy  to go.  Puppies naturally want to eliminate where they can smell urine.

Often. puppies will cry and whine when first introduced to their new pen (or crate).  Going back to comfort the whining puppy, or lifting him out every time he cries is rewarding bad behavior - ths tells the puppy that "when he cries, mommy or daddy recues me."  If you would like a puppy that is quiet and well behaved in his crate or pen, this behavior must be ignored.  From day one, praise and attention should be given when the puppy is calm and quiet - reward the good behavior and ignore the bad!




Chihuahuas have higher metabolisms than most breeds and only premium dog foods should be fed.  The higher expense should not be an issue, as Chihuahuas eat very little.  When a quality dog food is fed, no additional supplementation is recommended.

Young puppies should have dry food available at all times to prevent hypoglycemia.  Older adult dogs may be fed twice daily.  Be careful not to overfeed your Chihuahua, as obesity can create health issues and shorten your pet's Lifespan.

Also be careful not to create a fussy eater.  For adults, offering the same food twice a day for 15-30 minutes on a consistent schedule can prevent fussy eating habits.  Leaving food out at all times and /or constantly feeding treat and table scraps can lead to a dog that refuses to eat dog food, which can create serious dietary imbalances and health issues.

Home cooked diets are not recommended unless they are formulated by a canine dietician and followed to the letter.  Be aware that not all recipes on the internet and/or dog cookbooks are balanced or healthy for your dog.

Always provide water in a container that is heavy and can't be tipped, but not large enough for a puppy to fall into.

Milk or table scraps can cause diarrhea in a puppy.  Small bits of lean meats may be used for training purposes, but should make up no more the 10% of any dog's diet.

Certain foods are toxic to your Chihuahua and should not be fed.  These include: chocolate, onions, xylitol (found in candy and other sugar-free sweets), raisins, grapes, raw bread dough, large quantities of garlic, raw potato, mushrooms, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages, apple seeds, pear/peach/plum/apricot cores, avocado, tomato leaves and stems, large amounts of broccoli, cooked chicken bones, cooked meat fat trimmings/drippings (can lead o pancreatitis) and large amounts of beef liver (can lead to excesses of vitamin A and certain minerals.  Safe in small amounts).

*NOTE:  Please do not give you Chihuahua any treats or food that have been produced in China as many of these products are on recall and could make your dog very sick.




Before the day your pup comes home, go to your vet or pet supply store and buy a tube of Nutri-cal, or (Nutri-stat or Vitacal).  This may save your pups life.

Hypoglycemia means low blood sugar.  It can occur if a puppy has gone to long between meals.  has gotten chilled or is stressed.  It is common in small breed puppies and is life threatening - your puppy could die if not treated for it quickly.

A chihuahua puppy should always have access to food and must be monitored to make sure that he/she is eating.

The puppy should always be kept warm, just like you would with a human baby, and should be watched closely after periods of stress, such as the first day in a new home, shipping, or first trip to the vet, and after periods of prolonged activity.

Here are some signs of hypoglycemia:  weakness, listlessness, uncoordinated (acting as if drunk), blue or gray tinge to the ears, gums or skin, cold to the touch, confusion, disorientation, and/or unusual drowsiness.  Left untreated, the dog may go into seizures and /or unconsciousness and may die.

If you see any of the above signs, FIRST, administer a supplement such as Nutri-cal (preferable), corn syrup or sugar - (dab it on the pup's gums and/or squirt under tongue).  THEN feed a protein -rich food, such as Meat Baby Food, or canned puppy food.  If symptoms do not improve immediately, CALL YOUR VET.  If your pup perks right up and seems just fine after receiving the Nutri-cal or other sugar source plus protein food, closely monitor him/her.

Do no put sugar in your chihuahua's drinking water.  This will not prevent low blood sugar and could even cause the blood sugar to spike and drop, creating the very condition you were trying to prevent.


Grooming Your Chihuahua:


Puppies should be bathed as needed with a mild, puppy-safe shampoo and kept warm and out of draft until completely dry.  Great care should be taken that no water gets into a puppy's nose or mouth during bathing.  Inhalation of water can lead to pneumonia.

Long coat Chihuahuas should be brushed regularly.

Brush your chihuahuas teeth regularly and provide appropriate chew toys.  Have your veterinarian check his teeth yearly.  Poorly maintained teeth may lead to other health problems.

Clean ears with a cotton ball and mild ear cleaner made for dogs.  If the inside of the ear is red, irritated, has a foul odor or a dark brown residue, have your dog checked by a vet.

Trim your chihuahua's nails regularly.  If you do not feel comfortable with this procedure, have our vet or a groomer do it.  Dewclaws left untrimmed can cause painful injuries.  Untrimmed nails can also create splayed feet and make walking uncomfortable for your pet.


Health Care:


Ask your chihuahua breeder and /or other toy breed owners to recommend a good vet.

Your puppy's breeder should provide you with a medical history for you to bring to your vet.  Your vet can advise you on how to continue to keep your puppy free of fleas, heartworms and other parasites.

PLEASE remember that the Chihuahua system cannot take a lot of chemicals going into it body all at once.  Spacing out what you give them will help, and using Children Benadryl will help with any side effects from vaccinations, always talk to you vet before administration any medication.

Dr. Jean Dodd's vaccine protocol is recommended:

Vaccination Schedule:

Age of Pup                                     Vaccine Type

9-10 weeks                                     Distemper + Parvovirus, MLV (e.g.Intervet Progard Puppy PPV)

14 weeks                                        same as above

16-18 weeks (optional)                  same as above

20 weeks or older                            Rabies

1 year                                             Distemper + Parvovirus, MLV

1 year                                             Rabies, killed 3-year product (give 3 -4 weeks apart

                                                       from Distemper/parvovirus booster).

Vaccinate for rabies virus according to the law, except where circumstance indicate that a written waiver needs to be obtained from the primary care vet.  in that case, a rabies antibody titer can also be performed to accompany the waiver request.

Leptospirosis and Coronavirus vaccines are not recommended.  The usefulness of vaccinating for adenovirus, hepatitis, Lyme disease, giardia Bordetella, and parainfluenza is debatable.

It is a good idea to have a rectal or special pet thermometer just for your dog (normal temperature is 99 to 101).


General Safety Tips:


Do not allow your puppy to jump off of furniture or steps as they can break a leg or seriously be injured.  Never leave a chihuahua puppy on a bed, chair, or couch unattended!  Letting your chihuahua puppy sleep in the bed with you can also be dangerous - if you roll over on him or he falls off the bed this can cause serious injury or even death.

Young puppies chew and ingest everything!  Many plants are harmful and should be kept out of the puppy's reach.  Electric cords should also be out of the puppy's reach.  Puppy proof your house before bringing your puppy home.

A tiny dog is easy to lose.  Never leave a puppy outside unattended.  It is easy for someone to steal a tiny dog and large birds of prey have been known to carry off tiny puppies and small adult chihuahuas.  Check fences regularly for repairs or open gates.  An exercise pen or playpen is worthwhile investment to safely confine your puppy.

Have your puppy microchipped or have him wear an ID on his harness when he is out.

Take care that you do not let your puppy play on lawn that has been treated with toxic insect repellents, fertilizers, floor cleaners and other cleaning supplies can also be toxic to your chihuahua.

Remember a large dog can kill a chihuahua in one bite!  Pick up your dog if another dog approaches and always have your dog on a lead.

Never let your chihuahua run loose in a hotel room.  Insect and rodent poisons may be hidden under beds or behind furniture where your chihuahua can reach and ingest it.

Never leave a dog in the hot sun, or outside in extreme cold.  Never leave a dog in a parked car when it is warm outside!  And remember when walking your dog on hot days the surface could be extremely hot on your dog's feet causing burns.

Be careful of swimming pools - a chihuahua that falls into a pool can easily tire and drown.

Always hold your chihuahua with both arms, one securely under the dog supporting it against your chest and the other on top of the dog.  Squeeze with your elbow if the dogs' wiggles and kneel quickly to the floor (A dog dropped from this height has less change of injury then if dropped from a standing position.)

Never attempt to hold two chihuahuas as once or something else along with the dog.

Tiny dogs are easily stepped on - watch your step and keep your puppy in a safe place when you have visitors!  They will no be used to having a small puppy underfoot and are more likely to step on the puppy.


Special Precautions for Children and Chihuahuas:


Children can easily drop or injure a tiny dog.  Children should only be allowed to hold a chihuahua while they are sitting on the ground.

Toddlers must be constantly supervised around a chihuahua puppy!  A toy thrown at a chihuahua's head may prove fatal.  A toddler tripping and falling on a chihuahua puppy may also lead to serious injury or death of the puppy.

Young children that are left unsupervised with chihuahua puppies may tease or scare the puppy, leading to fear aggression and biting even in a puppy with a genetically stable temperament.  This type of situation should be prevented by constant supervision of children interacting with your puppy.

Chihuahuas are defenseless with small children and again, they must be constantly supervised around the dog and kept separated when direct supervision is not possible.



If you are consistent with your puppy from day one, you can teach him to be a quiet companion.  a squirt bottle is a safe deterrent for avid barkers but it must be used consistently and with a stern command.  Be careful to avoid squirting water into the nose of mouth.  Praise your puppy when he is quiet and calm.  Praising good behavior is just as important as correcting bad behavior.


Behavior, Training and Socialization:

Although chihuahuas are small dogs, that is no excuse to let them get away with poor behavior or treat them as helpless little beings.  Chihuahuas should be raised to have confidence.  Never soothe your chihuahua and say "it's okay, good dog" if they are barking or growling at another person or dog, or acting fearful around something harmless like a plastic bag on the ground- this is actually rewarding negative behavior.  Displays of aggression should be corrected with a firm "no" and you should act calm and confident and ignore displays of irrational fear.  Your puppy should be praised anytime he is calm, relaxed, curious about new things and outgoing.

Socialization is very important!  As soon as your puppy has been vaccinated, bring him to different places to meet lots of people, children and other small dogs as often as possible.  Have a strangers and children give your puppy treats to create positive associations.  Puppy playgrounds and basic obedience classes are strongly recommended.  Chihuahuas are just as able to learn commands and tricks as bigs dogs are.  Positive training techniques are recommended.

To avoid separation anxiety in your puppy, make sure to not make a big deal of coming and going.  If you have to leave your puppy along at home for a few hours, do not make a big display of hugging and kissing goodbye and reassuring him that he will be okay.  Simply place him/her in the pen or crate and leave.  If you hear the puppy whining when you close the door, do not go back in and soothe him- this is a reward and is teaching the puppy to whine and cry while you are gone.  When you get home, the same rules apply- do not make a big deal out of coming back and do not let the puppy out of his pen or crate if he/she is whining- wait until there is quiet and calm behavior is there the reward of coming out of his pen- but only if you are consistent with these rules.




You have just made a major commitment in your life and accepted a loving, living responsibility that is looking to you for care, comfort, food, protection and attention.  Your reward for fulfilling your obligations to your chihuahua are endless and he/she will be a loyal devoted companion to you for life. Remember a chihuahua can't talk or fend for itself so he/she dependent on you!

Allways feel free to contact me (breeder) with questions.  I am always happy to help and will enjoy hearing about how your puppy is progressing!


@Chihuahua Club of America









Products and Tools totally natural pure product.  I love it!

XXsm Chihuahua harness, I found them on ebay.

Iris puppy pen

Cat/dog nail clipper

Why Dental Care is So Important For Your Dog

Not very long ago people dd not think a lot about their dogs teeth.  It was thought that when a dog chewed on dry, hard dog food this scraped the teeth clean.  It was also believed that when a dog chewed on rawhide treats (highly no recommended by me) or hard toys this also cleaned the teeth.

While these types of things will clean dogs teeth to some degree...the canine medical world has learned that this is not nearly enough.

The Chihuahua breed is prone to tooth decay and infections.  There are some easy steps that an owner can take to help keep their Chi's teeth strong and healthy:

1)  Begin at home brushing as early as possible. A puppy will need to have this teeth brushed even though they will be replaced during the teething phase.  Without proper cleaning, infection can travel from a milk tooth to a recessed adult tooth that has yet to emerge.  In addition, brushing keeps the gums strong and healthy, and the gums are the foundation for a strong set of teeth.

2) Use a quality canine toothbrush and quality canine tooth paste.

3) Use a quality dental chews as a supplemental method of cleaning the teeth.  They do work to a certain degree to loosen plaque and freshen breath.  The right chews are important part of good oral hygiene.


How to Brush a Chi's Teeth


Dental cleanings should be a scheduled part of each day.  Just as you brush the coast, take your Chi for a walk for exercise, play feed them healthy meals and have a set sleep time, you should also take 5 minutes out of the day to clean your Chi's teeth.


Here are some tips for successful, easy cleaning:


1) This is best done with a canine toothbrush, made for a toy breed dog.  Do not use human made toothbrush as it is not shaped to properly to reach the surfaces of a dog's set of teeth.  Never use human toothpaste; it is toxic to dogs ( in varying quantities and depending on the age and size of the dog)  and since much of the paste will be swallowed you will want to make sure that the substance is safe for consumption.

2) Choose a certain time of the day for this.  In this way, it will become habit for both you and your Chihuahua.  While it only takes about 2-3 minutes for the actual brushing of the teeth, it is best to set aside a window of 10 minutes per day so that you don't feel rushed.

3)Have a good grip on your Chihuahua, as those that are not used to having their teeth touched will tend to try and scamper away.  It can help to have an assistant, however if you curl your puppy or dog up in your lap this can usually work just fine.

4) If you relax, your Chi will relax.  Speak in a matter-of-fact tone and don't be shy to manipulate the mouth.  Puppies that have their mouths opened and teeth touched will be adults that are tolerant to this sort of grooming element.

5) Be sure to brush on all exposed sides of the teeth:  Front, back, and tops.  Scrub the back teeth as much as the front, using a circular motion that is slightly angled to scrub at the gum line.

6)Once all the teeth are cleaned (2 minutes or so,) wipe the mouth with a damp, soft washcloth and give praise even if your Chi struggled and tried to escape the whole time.  A dental chew can be a good reward treat when the task is complete.

7)Remember that with time, your Chihuahua will react to tooth brushing as a normal part of the day.  Most puppies and dogs simply accept this and will begrudgingly sit still while the task is performed.


Intolerance for Brushing


For puppies that have no tolerance at all having their mouths opened and teeth brushed, owners will need to ease into the process in a more gradual way.

It can help to allow your Chihuahua to become accustomed to the feeling of having his teeth touched.


1) Moving your fingers around on the teeth can help I'm or her to become accustomed to having something in his mouth that is not a yummy treat or dog toy!

2) After a few weeks, you can then try the toothbrush..It is recommended to use it for a few days with no past.  As your Chi get used to the feeling, you can slowly add more and more canine toothpaste.  Before you know it, your dog will accept this as a normal part of their day.

3) If you dog is extremely stubborn and refused to let you n ear him with a toothbrush, you can use the 2nd best method: dental wipes.  While these will not do as thorough a job, it will hold some benefits.


Snacking and Treat


Crunching on hard treats and chews does have its benefits.  It helps to loosen plaque so that it can be removed easier during cleanings.


Here are some tips on choosing the right dental chew:


1) Avoid products that contain artificial colors, flavors, or by-products since the Chi breed is know for having a high sensitivities to these sorts of man-made chemicals and by-products are low quality ingredients for a dog to ingest.

2) Look for brands that contain wholesome, natural ingredients such as dill, mint, and parsley which work in combination to not only clean teeth, but to rid a dog of bad breath.









Chihuahua Teething Age

At about the age of 4 to 6 months, puppies will begin to lose their ''baby teeth'' and their permanent, adult canine teeth begin to grow in. 

This process most often happens in a very specific order:

First the smaller front teeth come out, then the premolars, molars and finally the canine teeth will be the last to fall out.

Often, the as the teeth fall out one by one, it may happen while your pup is eating or playing, so they are often swallowed and you may not notice that it has happened.

If at the age of 6 months, if your Chihuahua puppy is still holding onto their puppy teeth, you should have a veterinarian perform a dental checkup.

In rare cases, an adult dog tooth will come in slanted and may affect the other teeth.

The loss of puppy teeth and the growth of adult teeth normally happen in this order:

• 4 Months old - the incisors begin to grow in

• 5 months old - the canine teeth begin to grow in

• 6 months old - the molars begin to grow in

By 8 months old, a Chihuahua puppy should have all teeth ascended and stop teething. 

Do keep in mind that some are late bloomers and teething may last a bit longer.
When an Adult Tooth Grows in Before a Puppy Tooth Falls Out

Sometimes, an adult tooth will begin to drop down while the puppy tooth is still in place. A puppy may then have double row of teeth. This can happen with 1 tooth or with several. You will want to address this right away.

With the puppy tooth in the way, the adult tooth may grow in crooked. This can cause:

• Discomfort

• Cuts to the inside of the mouth

• Eating and chewing problems

Therefore, if this situation happens, you will want the veterinarian to take a look to see if steps should be taken to more things along. Most likely, the tooth can be pulled out without sedation. Doing so, will allow the adult tooth to grow in properly and you will have an adult with proper alignment.

Chihuahua Teething Discomfort

When a puppy is teething, they have a strong, uncontrollable urge to chew on anything and everything. They may seem to go crazy trying to find something to satisfy! This is one reason why an owner must puppy-proof the home, to keep any dangerous items away from the reach of the puppy, such as electrical cords.

Your puppy will not understand the difference between chewing on your favorite shoes and chewing on a teething toy. All the puppy knows is that chewing makes him feel better and helps to relieve the discomfort that his erupting teeth are causing.

There are several things that you can do to get through this phase without your puppy chewing up the house and actually helping your puppy:

1. The Proper Type of Teething toys. This is a must. A teething toy is much different than a regular dog toy. To truly relieve itching and discomfort, it must satisfy several different elements:

A: It must be durable enough to stand up to the sharp teeth of the Chihuahua puppy.

B: It should be hold the attention of the puppy; after all if the chew doesn't seem interesting it will be of little value.
C:  Some will be shaped with small, safe protrusions. These smaller parts of the toy help tremendously with teething.  

A puppy is able to manipulate the tiny projections into hard-to-reach areas of the mouth and gums to hit "just the right spot”. 

D: Some of the best ones will be designed to be frozen. When a puppy is teething, having a cold toy to chew on offers a lot of relief. 

Many teething toys actually hold water. When you freeze them, a puppy will chew on them for hours as the frozen ice turns into a cold slush.

After an hour or so, you can offer another frozen toy that is waiting in your freezer. 
2. Ice cubes. This will not only entertain you, but will help make your Chihuahua puppy feel better. Most puppies find it amazingly fun to chase an ice cube around on a slippery floor, such as one made of linoleum or hardwood. 

The ice cube’s cold temperature will offer relief to the puppy’s gums. You can freeze plain water or you can add a safe flavoring. Some of the safe ingredients that you can add are: Apple juice and cranberry juice.

3. Feed frozen foods. Frozen and indigestible treats will be beneficial as it helps with both swelling and discomfort.
Some frozen foods that a Chihuahua puppy can safely eat (within reason) are: Frozen yogurt (regular, not low fat or low sugar) and frozen baby food (be sure that it does not contain onion powder. Place dollops of it in mini cupcake trays then place in the freezer).

4. Consider the main meal. Dry kibble may help a bit by scratching at those sore gums though for some puppies with very sore gums, dry food may actually irritate things.

We also strongly recommend home cooking as it is the best way to ensure that your Chihuahua has real, fresh, healthy food with zero additives, preservatives, artificial coloring and/or fillers.

If you wish to stay with manufactured meals, we suggest adding a warm, low-sodium chicken or beef broth, in order to make for a more "soupy" consistency that will be much easier on the teeth and the gums.
Other Changes that Can Occur with a Teething Chihuahua

During this phase, you may notice other things happening with your little guy or girl... that at first may seem completely unrelated to teething.

You may notice that just 1 of these things are happening to your pup...Or all of them. Each Chi is very different in regard to growth and how the body reacts to the major changes that occur during the teething process. So, let's look at some elements that may occur and what you can do:

1. Ears may be affected. Ears that used to stand erect may:
  • Droop down very low 
  • One may droop and one may stand 
  • One or both may roll back toward the backside of the head 
  • An ear may droop or roll one day...And the next day it may be the other ear that is out of place 
Chihuahua puppy at teething age
Do know that this is not uncommon. While it will not happen to all Chihuahuas that are teething, it is not out of the ordinary. With just about all Chi, ears will go back to what is "normal" for the puppy once the teething stage is done....It even may only last during a particular week or 2 during this time.

Those that have weak ears to begin with will be more prone to this. There is no reason to tape them or make any attempt to fix this issue as it should clear up on its own. In very few cases, if the supporting muscles are weak, this is usually a case of an inherited trait and the puppy would not have clearly erect ears in any case.
See also: Floppy Ears

2. Testicles may be affected with males. If this happens, you may notice that:
  • One has seemed to disappear
  • Both have seemed to disappear
What to do? We highly recommend to NOT palpate them in an attempt to make them drop...Doing so can cause injury. There are a couple of elements to this issue. 

1st, with many Chihuahua puppies, it is not uncommon for them to not drop until all the way up to the age of 6 months.

2nd, this is most often a temporary side effect of teething and they will drop just about the time that teething is done. If you see that 1 or both have not dropped by the age of 8 months, it will be time to have the veterinarian take a look.
Other Reasons for Chewing

Most chewing problems stem from 1 of 4 causes:
  • Teething 
  • Curiosity 
  • Boredom 
  • Nervousness 
We already discussed teething issues, so let's talk more about the other 3 reasons that a puppy may chew: 


Chewing or gnawing on objects is one method that dogs use to explore their world. With some many sensory receptors in his mouth, a Chihuahua can find out a lot more about an object by chewing on it as opposed to touching it with his paw. Therefore it is instinct for a dog to bite down or mouth something that they want to learn about.

You can cut down on the damage done to your home by removing floor-level objects and by having a large supply of fun and interesting dog toys. Additionally there are products, safe to dogs, that can be sprayed onto certain things (sofa, etc.) that will keep a dog away.


Boredom can wreak havoc. Chihuahuas need stimulation throughout the day. If left alone, they will explore, and chew, on anything that they can reach. Here are some tips to relieve boredom:

1) Rotate toys so that every other week or so, the puppy has a 'new' set to choose from

2) Exercise your dog twice per day (short 15 minute walks for puppies and longer 20 to 30 minute walks for adults). This satisfies a dog's urge to explore and use his senses, which can create a calmer dog when back in the house.

3) Set aside time to interact with your Chihuahua; often just 'being there' is not enough. This breed is famously clingy and even 20 minutes per day of playing a game or command training can be helpful. Dogs will often keep themselves occupied if they know that personal one-on-one time is going to happen on a regular basis.


The Chihuahua breed can also be a nervous dog. If your dog seems to be chewing out of anxiety, take a moment to really look at the environment of your home.
Is loud music always blaring? Do people have a tendency to talk very loudly? Are people coming and going constantly? Do your best to provide a calming house and if you really cannot control the noise or traffic level, offer your Chihuahua a safe haven.

An area in a quiet room with a crate or dog bed would be best. Your dog should have a place to retreat, to quietly play with toys when feeling overwhelmed

Is loud music always blaring? Do people have a tendency to talk very loudly? Are people coming and going constantly? Do your best to provide a calming house and if you really cannot control the noise or traffic level, offer your Chihuahua a safe haven.

An area in a quiet room with a crate or dog bed would be best. Your dog should have a place to retreat, to quietly play with toys when feeling overwhelmed.